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At Inclusion Wellness, we empower women to live balanced lives, build strong relationships, eat healthier, become physically active and create a MINDSET and new habits for success. Inclusion Marketing products support health & wellness.

Affiliate Marketing with Crystal Hart-Drake

Crystal is a retired Paramedic after 23 years of experience. These days she is an Entrepreneur, CEO of Inclusion Marketing Inc where she offers health & life coaching to her clients and affiliate marketing which allows her to offer her clients products that support their overall well-being. She is filled with gratitude to be able to continue helping and supporting others as serving people is in her blood.

The best thing about being an Entrepreneur is being able to dedicate your own schedule and not missing important occasions in family life. As a paramedic, Crystal often missed such occasions and holidays while working in a 24/7 service. She loved being a paramedic but missing family events, sleep, poor eating started taking its toll. Knowing she wanted to continue helping people, she created Inclusion Marketing Inc. a safe, non-judgmental community. She understands how hard it is to have a balanced life, a life without physical activity or healthy eating rules and the struggles of mental health. Her passion is to help others live their best life. Crystal enjoys life with a balance with family, friends, and personal & professional growth. She loves to cycle, run, hike, anything nature, strength workouts, yoga, meditation and practice gratitude. Sharing her knowledge and adventures make her happiest. She completed her affiliate marketing through ENTRE INSTITUTE.

What to learn more about ENTRE INSTITUTE? 


Crystal's Affiliate Marketing Products!


You can find Crystal's products on her FACEBOOK page and in her blogs.

All products support an individual's health & wellness. She is an affiliate marketer in the AMAZON affiliate program.


Health & Life Coach

Establish Eating Habits-Food Rules

Adopt an active Lifestyle without becoming a Pro athlete

Set Health Goals-Learn your numbers 

Everything Medical Tracker

Written by

Crystal Hart-Drake

The Journey Towards Physical & Mental Well-being Begins with MINDSET. Begin Your Journey Today For a Healthier Tomorrow.

“Crystal has been a person of constant inspiration in my fitness journey. Her passion for a healthy lifestyle is contagious! She is always happy to share her knowledge and experience with others, no matter who they or whether they're a beginner or more advanced as an athlete. Her kindness and down-to-earth disposition shine through it all. She's truly wonderful!"

-Meredith Morash

I met Crystal during the height of COVID.

We were both working during the mass swabbing phase of COVID.

We spent hours over heating in our PPE, but Crystal was always positive to last nose ha!!

I felt comfortable working alongside Crystal knowing that she was a team player.

Crystal and I chatted about our work history and with us both being mature Paramedics we had some alternative paths that we were taking.


Crystal is a great resource of knowledge in the fitness world, mainly the cycling world.

I enjoy seeing her line up of bicycles as she stands beside them smiling with pride.

With Crystal having a passion for cycling, I have approached her many times with questions about different models and brands of bicycles.

Crystal has helped me narrow down a few choices.


It is amazing to see and follow Crystal on this journey she is taking.

I encourage anyone with questions about the fitness world to contact her, she would be delighted to assist.


Good luck Crystal , your awesome!!

-Clare Brame

“Crystal's approach to self-improvement is genuinely inspiring. While it may not always be easy to do the right thing for the right reasons, she understands the importance of self-discipline and self-care in achieving a happier and healthier life. With her expert guidance in motivation and self-celebrations, Crystal creates an envirnoment that fosters personal growth and a positive outlook on life. Join me on this incredible journey with Crystal, and discover the fulfillment that comes from nurturing both your body and spirit."

- Sandra Savage

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