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How do you live your day-to-day life?

1. Live by choice, not by chance.

Every morning when we get up, we have choices to make. A choice to have a workout, have breakfast or make your bed. My point is that life is filled with choices, and our actions reflect our character. Make things happen, don't wait for it to happen.

2. Strive for excellence in everything we do.

Trial and error, try & try again. Entrepreneurship is a test of patience and our imperfections. Is there any better feeling than doing something its best? If it were easy, everyone would do it.

3. We are obsessed with improvement.

I love to cycle. I am the slowest in my group but I don't care. What I do care about, is my improvement. It's a thrilling feeling when I earn a new personal best, it shows my improvement that I wouldn't earn if I didn't keep working at it. Don't give up, it's in us all to be our best.

4. We practice thoughtful communication.

The way we communicate with others can build or lose relationships. Sometimes before speaking, we may need to pause and formulate a proper response. Never speak out of anger, things can't be taken back once they have been spoken.

5. We eagerly do hard things.

This is me in a nutshell. As a life-long learner, I am always challenging myself to learn something new. If you stick with only things you know, things within your comfort zone, are you growing? Growth

never stops, there is always something to learn if you are willing.

6. We take daily disciplined action.

How can we possibly achieve our goals if we don't focus on them? Simple answer, we can't. Let's keep in mind though, that not every action needs to be big, you just need to be consistent.

7. We move fast, learn fast, grow fast.

Make a decision, and commit to it. This is another statement that resonates with me. I start something, I go all in and tend to not stop until it's done. It's sometimes a curse but it is a great sense of accomplishment making it worth it.

8. We attack problems and find solutions.

I will say this, since becoming an entrepreneur, it really taught me to be resourceful. I mean, I never needed someone to hold my hand to figure something out but now I really take the time to work through something and check more than one resource. If you find the solution, you are more likely to remember it plus it's a confidence boost.

9. We build with legacy in mind.

This is on my mind daily. How will I be remembered, what can I leave behind, what have I accomplished? Great questions that keep me focused. My legacy is still unknown but I can say, I am working toward something great.

10. We have fun and get SHIT done.

This!!!! My younger self didn't understand this. I was uptight, never relaxed, and never understood self-care, or the importance of strong relationships. Now, this is my priority because, without it, my life is by chance, not choice.

In closing, if you read all this, thank you. I hope you have gained some value and maybe it will aid in some daily guidance.

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