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Master Class

“Until you dare to take a different direction, you won't discover what is around the corner" -Crystal Hart-Drake


Change is scary because the end result is unknown.

In January of this year, I dared to invest in something completely different from anything I have ever done before. A marketing course online.

Scary is an understatement. Going from a paramedic of 23 years to potentially a marketer seemed so foreign to me.

I started the program, loved the program and finished ahead of schedule. Now, I am eager to share with you.

Are you a lifelong learner? Do you accept challenges as growth? Keep reading if your answer is yes to both of those questions.

I was never a strong academic student in grade school; I barely got by but did graduate. I completed college twice. My adult life consists of two careers; early childhood education and paramedicine. After being a paramedic for 23 years, I needed a physical & mental change.

As you can imagine, being a paramedic comes with challenges. Although I still loved helping others and promoting the profession, it became too exhausting and I was beginning to feel like a zombie. Shift work was taken its toll, and I became depressed. During my time as a paramedic, I missed so much due to 12-hour shifts, working holidays, and missing special occasions. A regular routine was impossible.

What could I do after being in the profession for so long? I knew my mind & body needed change but I still loved helping people.

I took the marketing road, something completely different.

It's been a life-changing experience. There have been ups and downs during the program. The big bonus, I am still able to do what I love-help people.

What about you? What do you love?

At the start of the program, I decided that my WHY would keep me pushing through, and so far, it has. And thanks to Entre Institute I have a clearer understanding of what I want in life.

More time with loved one's, more time to cycle (my favourite hobby), control of my day, no more long shifts, no more working holidays, vacation twice/year, early retirement, and house repairs without worry of where the money is coming get the point! These things are tied to my WHY.

Does that sound amazing to you? What are your life goals? What are you doing to reach those goals?

I started my own business during the program. I went all in because I could visualize my future and reach all my goals.

My journey hasn't been always easy but I have accepted the challenges as growth and part of my destination. Quitting isn't an option.

I reached destination 1-program was complete.

Destination 2 business setup (Inclusion Wellness & Marketing)

Destination 3-business growth (ongoing)

My greatest desire is to help you explore your destination. Entre Institute teaches you to become resourceful to overcome roadblocks, build stronger relationships, instils you win with the right mindset, tackle technophobia, and physical activity facilitates more productivity and health.

If you want more time, be your own boss and explore a new road- this is for you! The best part, now you get this Masterclass for ONLY $3.95. That's right $3.95 to learn all that I have mentioned and more.

Click link below today to take advantage of this great deal:

Benefit checklist:

Here is a recap benefit list for you choosing this masterclass:

  • It's cheap in price but the content is high quality

  • you will be surrounded by like-minded people

  • touch on the life-changing 4 P pillars

  • learn the potential to become your own boss

  • learn what affiliate marketing is

  • learn how you can have more time for family and friends

  • learn to see YOUR potential

  • you become inspired

  • learn an outlet to share YOUR story

  • push your limits

Life is filled with choices of what direction should be taken. The journey is as important as the destination.

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