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See Your Value

Some people have strange thinking, in my opinion anyway. Let me explain, a couple buys a new car and their monthly payment will be $650 plus insurance. They were so excited, I would be too. A new car, nice!

Fast forward, the same couple two years later has a child, when mom and or dad go back to work, said child starts daycare. The cost for daycare is the same as vehicle payment. Zero complaints about the car payment, it's accepted without a second thought. Yet, their priceless child, daycare payment is "omg, so expensive". I get it but think about this, your child deserves the best care possible, right? While you work, your child is being cared for, changed, fed and gaining learning experiences. Your fee pays someone's salary, the facility, toys & equipment your child plays with. Every is perspective.

Let's switch our thinking, several years go by, and the mom puts her family first, herself always last. She gained weight, and let herself go. It happens, life gets busy and it isn't a priority. The problem, she has a family history of diabetes. One day, she faints. She remembered she hadn't eaten all day. Things turned out okay, this time but it was a wake-up call that she needed to start taking better care of herself.

A great start, she schedules walking 2-3 times per week.

By the third week, she was down to one walk per week with no change in diet and no support as in, no community. A friend suggests Tranont to her. Her first question was, how much? Reasonable question.

Here is my take, she isn't ready for change. Starting a health journey needs to start with your mindset, then products/community and ACTION.

I admit, that I had the same thought process...UNTIL I looked at it as an investment in me for me. I realize I am no good to anyone if I'm not healthy both physically and mentally.

Back to the "mom", if she decides not to invest in her health now, later she may have no choice. Medications are costly, or worse, she dies due to poor health and doesn't get to see her kids graduate or see grandkids born. How sad! If only she had seen the value beyond the dollar figure.

Life is filled with opportunities and experiences. Our health and health choices are a lifestyle and shouldn't be treated as a trend. Commit to a healthier you for you and your family. You are worth it! With a community to support you, products that will give you more energy, better sleep and so much more, you have no limits but yourself.

In closing, my hope is for you to be the healthiest you can be for yourself and those around you who will take notice. Open your mind to see it as an investment worth taking. I am 50 years old and I do everything I can to avoid diabetes. My mental and physical is a priority and I would love to help you achieve your health goals. Together, we are stronger!

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